The impact of wettability and fluid saturations on multiphase representative elementary volume estimations of micro-porous media

Shaheryar T. Hussain, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Aleksandr Zhuravljov, Furqan Hussain, Sheik S. Rahman

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The occurrence of multi-phase flows in porous media is a complex phenomenon that involves multiple scales, ranging from individual pores to larger continuum scales. Upscaling frameworks have emerged as a response to the need for addressing the disparity between micro-scale processes and macroscopic modelling. Determination of the representative elementary volume is important for understanding fluid dynamics in micro-porous materials. The size of the representative elementary volume for multiphase flow in porous media is significantly affected by wettability and fluid saturations. Previous studies have overlooked this aspect by conducting simulations under conditions of constant medium wettability and fluid saturations. This study uses finite volume simulations with a volume of fluid approach for two distinct asymptotic homogenization methods, namely hydrodynamic bounds of relative permeability and thermodynamic bounds of entropy production. Strong wetting conditions with high wetting phase saturation were found to require a smaller sample size to establish representative elementary volume, while mixed-wettability scenarios necessitate the largest sample sizes. These findings improve our understanding of multiphase fluid flow behaviour in micro-porous materials and aid in enhancing techniques for scaling up observations and predictive modelling in engineering and environmental fields.

Document Type: Short communication

Cited as: Hussain, S. T., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Zhuravljov, A., Hussain, F., Rahman, S. S. The impact of wettability and fluid saturations on multiphase representative elementary volume estimations of micro-porous media. Capillarity, 2023, 9(1): 1-8.


Permeability, asymptotic homogenization, thermodynamic bounds, pore scale modelling, REV sensitivity

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