Controllable electromechanical stability of a torsional micromirror actuator with piezoelectric composite structure under capillary force

Mingjia Liu, Yonglin Chen, Wen Cheng, Siyu Chen, Tao Yu, Weidong Yang

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Various types of micro/nano functional devices are being widely designed as optical switches, micro scanners, micromirrors and other core optical devices. The continuing miniaturization of the functional devices makes the size dependence of electromechanical property significant in micro/nano scale due to the sharp increase of surface interactions such as capillary force from liquid bridge, van der Waals and Casimir forces from quantum fluctuations. The surface interactions can cause the pull-in instability, adhesion between parts, and even failure of device. This work provides an active control method to avoid the pull-in instability of an electrostatically driven circular micromirror by applying voltage on a torsional piezoelectric composite structure. The influences of the three types are compared of dispersion forces on the electromechanical stability of the micromirror actuator. A comprehensive electromechanical model of a torsional piezoelectric beam was established to numerically investigate the electromechanical coupling of the micromirror. The results show that the influence of capillary force on the stability of the micromirror is as significant as van der Waals force and Casimir force. By introducing piezoelectric nanoplates into the laminated torsional structure, the micromirror stability can be controlled based on the piezoelectric effect of the torsional piezoelectric composite structure. This work can contribute to the structural optimization design and manufacture of micromirror systems.

Cited as: Liu, M., Chen, Y., Cheng, W., Chen, S., Yu, T., Yang, W. Controllable electromechanical stability of a torsional micromirror actuator with piezoelectric composite structure under capillary force. Capillarity, 2022, 5(3): 51-64.


Micromirror actuator, capillary force, pull-in instability, torsional piezoelectric composite

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