Recent research advances in enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage

Chi Zhang, Yuhang Wang, Zuhao Kou, Liwei Zhang

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Enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage have received increasing attention as two prominent approaches in combating climate change and fostering sustainable development of human society. This paper aims to explore three emerging areas of research within the realm of enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage, including enhanced rock weathering, numerical modeling and validation of CO2 storage accounting for the interplay of various trapping mechanisms, and the examination of how reservoir heterogeneity influences the migration of CO2-brine multiphase flow. Discussions highlight the effectiveness of the spectrum induced polarization for monitoring changes in petrophysical and geochemical properties of rocks during enhanced rock weathering. Additionally, the multi-scale heterogeneity of geological formations needs to be carefully characterized, due to the fact that it plays a vital role in CO2 migration. Further research is required to achieve accurate and reliable simulations of convective mixing for field-scale applications.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Zhang, C., Wang, Y., Kou, Z., Zhang, L. Recent research advances in enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 10(3): 141-145.


Geologic CO2 storage, enhanced rock weathering, trapping mechanism, convective mixing, reservoir heterogeneity

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