Study on the seismic damage and dynamic support of roadway surrounding rock based on reconstructive transverse and longitudinal waves
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The magnitude and frequency of induced seismicity increase as mining excavation reaches greater depth, leading to the increasingly severe damage to roadways caused by high-energy seismic waves. To comprehensively simulate the damage caused by dynamic loads, a synchrosqueezing transform and empirical mode decomposition method was developed, which effectively decomposed raw seismic wave signals into transverse and longitudinal components. This novel method produced more accurate results in terms of velocity, displacement, rock yielding patterns, and reflecting theoretically orthogonal oscillating directions of transverse and longitudinal waves compared to using raw mixed waves at the seismic source. Under the disturbance of transverse and longitudinal waves, the vertical displacement was much higher than horizontal displacement at the top position of the roadway, while the horizontal displacement was greater at the sidewalls. The particle vibration velocity, displacement and yielding zone of the surrounding rock of roadway were proportional to the energy level of seismic, while inversely proportional to the source-roadway distance. The proportion of damage attributed to transverse waves increased with the energy level, ranging from 75.8% to 85.8%. Eventually, a roadway dynamic support design was optimized based on the proposed seismic wave processing and modeling methodology. The methodology offers guidance for roadway dynamic support design, with the goal of averting excessive or insufficient support strength.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: He, S., Shen, F., Chen, T., Mitri, H., Ren, T., Song, D. Study on the seismic damage and dynamic support of roadway surrounding rock based on reconstructive transverse and longitudinal waves. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 9(3): 156-171.
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