Redox condition and organic carbon accumulation mechanism in the Cryogenian Nanhua Basin, South China: Insights from iron chemistry and sulfur, carbon, oxygen isotopes of the Datangpo Formation
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Global glaciation, oxidation event and eukaryotic expansion and diversification in the Neoproterozoic period are marked events that characterize the early evolution of the Earth, but how the interactions occurred among these events is not well understood. The organic matters preserved in the black shales of the Datangpo Formation (Cryogenian period) are sensitive to redox conditions, and thus its accumulation and preservation offer beneficial clues to unravel the early evolutional history of the Earth. This study presents new chemostratigraphic data of iron component, TOC content, sulfur isotope of pyrite, carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonaceous shale of the Datangpo Formation (Cryogenian period) in the Datangpo section, South China. The analyzed results imply abundant nutrients existing in the ocean in the Early Cryogenian. The nutrients, such as phosphorus, resulting from neighbor volcanic eruptions, provided nutrients that enabled microbes to flourish during the Cryogenian interglacial gap. Iron components and sulfur isotopes indicated anoxic, euxinic deep water environments for the black shales in the lower portion of the Datangpo Formation. The anoxic setting was good for the preservation of organic matter, but terrigenous materials inputs, as revealed by the high Al2O3 contents, diluted the organic carbon content (TOC).
Cited as: Wang, C., Shi, G. Redox condition and organic carbon accumulation mechanism in the Cryogenian Nanhua Basin, South China: Insights from iron chemistry and sulfur, carbon, oxygen isotopes of the Datangpo Formation. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(1): 67-75, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.01.05
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