Estimation of minimum miscibility pressure of varied gas compositions and reservoir crude oil over a wide range of conditions using an artificial neural network model

Abouzar Choubineh, Abbas Helalizadeh, David A. Wood

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Minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) is a key variable for monitoring miscibility between reservoir fluid and injection gas. Experimental and non-experimental methods are used to estimate MMP. Available miscibility correlations attempt to predict the minimum miscibility pressure for a specific type of gas. Here an artificial neural network (ANN) model is applied to a dataset involving 251 data records from around the world in a novel way to estimate the gas-crude oil MMP for a wide range of injected gases and crude oil compositions. This approach is relevant to sequestration projects in which injected gas compositions might vary significantly. The model is correlated with the reservoir temperature, concentrations of volatile (C1 and N2) and intermediate (C2, C3, C4, CO2 and H2S) fractions in the oil (Vol/Inter), C5+ molecular weight fractions in the oil and injected gas specific gravity. A key benefit of the ANN model is that MMP can be determined with reasonable accuracy for a wide range of oil and gas compositions. Statistical comparison of predictions shows that the developed ANN model yields better predictions than empirical-correlation methods. The ANN model predictions achieve a mean absolute percentage error of 13.46%, root mean square error of 3.6 and Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.95. Sensitivity analysis reveals that injected gas specific gravity and temperature are the most important factors to consider when establishing appropriate miscible injection conditions. Among the available published correlations, the Yellig and Metcalfe correlation demonstrates good prediction performance, but it is not as accurate as the developed ANN model.

Cited as: Choubineh, A., Helalizadeh, A., Wood, D.A. Estimation of minimum miscibility pressure of varied gas compositions and reservoir crude oil over a wide range of conditions using an artificial neural network model. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(1): 52-66, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.01.04


Minimum miscibility pressure, miscibility correlations, artificial neural network, statistical accuracy, sensitivity analysis, enhanced oil recovery

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