Mechanisms in CO2-enhanced coalbed methane recovery process

Mohammad Asif, Lei Wang, Rui Wang, Heng Wang, Randy D. Hazlett

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Injection of CO2 and subsequent desorption of CH4 is considered to be the most efficient enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) recovery technique to date. Meanwhile, CO2-ECBM is an excellent option for CO2 geo-sequestration for an extended period. Despite ongoing research efforts and several field applications of this technology, the mechanisms of the process have yet to be fully understood. The coalbed heterogeneity, the fluid interactions with coal, the CO2 induced swelling, and the continuous pressure and composition changes require outright insights for optimal application of the technique. Furthermore, intermolecular interactions of CO2 and CH4, their competitive adsorption on the dry/wet coal surface, and the dispersion and advection processes play an important role in defining the CO2-ECBM recovery process. An attempt has been made here to understand the key mechanisms of CO2-ECBM recovery in coalfields, particularly the adsorption of CO2 in the supercritical state at the recommended sequestration depth.

Cited as: Asif, M., Wang, L., Wang, R., Wang, H., Hazlett, R. D. Mechanisms in CO2-enhanced coalbed methane recovery process. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(6): 531-534.


CO2 injection, enhanced coalbed methane recovery, competitive adsorption, van der Waals constant

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