An assessment of methane gas production from natural gas hydrates: Challenges, technology and market outlook
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Natural gas hydrates are enormous energy resources occurring in the permafrost and under deep ocean sediments. However, the commercial or sustained production of this resource with currently available technology remains a technical, environmental, and economic challenge, albeit a few production tests have been conducted to date. One of the major challenges has been sand production due to the unconsolidated nature of hydrate bearing formations. This review presents progress in methane gas production from natural gas hydrate deposits, specifically addressing the technology, field production and simulation tests, challenges, and the market outlook. Amongst the production techniques, the depressurization method of dissociating natural gas hydrates is widely accepted as the most feasible option and it has been used the most in field test trials and simulation studies. The market for natural gas hydrates looks promising considering the increasing demand for energy globally, limited availability of conventional fossil fuels, and the low carbon footprint when using natural gas compared to liquid and solid fossil fuels. The major market setback currently is cheap gas from shale and conventional oil and gas reservoirs.
Cited as: Shaibu, R., Sambo, C., Guo, B., Dudun, A. An assessment of methane gas production from natural gas hydrates: Challenges, technology and market outlook. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2021, 5(3): 318-332, doi: 10.46690/ager.2021.03.07
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