Evaluation of asphaltene adsorption on minerals of dolomite and sandstone formations in two and three-phase systems
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Asphaltene adsorption on reservoir rock minerals causes wettability alteration and pore plugging which subsequently reduces crude oil production. Also, it has a negative effect on the efficiency of production and enhanced oil recovery operations. In this study, the adsorption of extracted asphaltenes of two samples of Iranian oil fields on dolomite, quartz, and magnetite was investigated in two-and three-phase systems in both static and dynamic flow modes. Mineral adsorbents were analyzed by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller and X-ray fluorescence methods. Also, several laboratory tests including elemental analysis, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were carried out to characterize asphaltenes. The results showed that in addition to the effect of known parameters such as asphaltenes concentration and specific surface area of the solid phase, the water phase also affects the amount of asphaltenes adsorption. The adsorption amount of asphaltenes increases with increasing the specific surface area of adsorbent (decreasing particle size) and increasing the initial concentration of asphaltenes, and decreases with the addition of water to the two-phase system. The static adsorption amount of asphaltenes in a two-phase system can be up to 90% higher than the adsorption amount in a three-phase system. Doubling the fluid flow rate in dynamic adsorption significantly (by about 20%) reduces the asphaltenes adsorption, which could be a sign of physical adsorption of asphaltenes on adsorbents. The structure and elemental composition of asphaltenes also have a significant effect on asphaltenes adsorption. The asphaltene sample, which had a more aromatic nature and high nitrogen content, had higher adsorption on reservoir rock minerals. Finally, fitting the adsorption equilibrium models with experimental data reveals that the adsorption isotherm model depends on the type and particle size of the adsorbents and the concentration and type of asphaltenes.
Cited as: Mohammadi, M.R., Bahmaninia, H., Ansari, S., Hemmati-Sarapardeh, A., Norouzi-Apourvari, S., Schaffie, M., Ranjbar, M. Evaluation of asphaltene adsorption on minerals of dolomite and sandstone formations in two and three-phase systems. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2021, 5(1), 39-52, doi: 10.46690/ager.2021.01.05
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