Advances in in-situ modified mining by fluidization and in unconventional geomechanics

Weiguo Liang, Yangsheng Zhao, Jishan Liu, Derek Elsworth, Zijun Feng, Jianchao Cai

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Increasing large-scale development and utilization of new geo-energy sources and geo-resources heralds the need for worldwide implementation of sustainable development. The extreme complexity in recovery conditions, including ultra-low-permeability reservoirs, low-energy-density reserves and high temperatures and high pressures, defines a challenge in efficiently recovering such energy, fuel and mineral resources. Hence, development of efficient mining methods and the related determination of geo-mechanical properties issue. During the simultaneous 2nd International of reservoirs remains a key topical Symposium on In-situ modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining and the 7th Unconventional Geomechanics Symposium, held both in person and online from November 7-8, 2020, a broad array of advances in the science and technology of geo-energy and geo-resource recovery were presented. The symposia were attended by more than 200 participants from China, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and Turkey. Twenty-four invited talks were presented, seven of which were online, four of which were pre-recorded, and thirteen of which were in person. Twenty-two general talks were held in two parallel sessions. Participants interact freely through both online and in-person speakers. These interactions will enable future collaborations.

Cited as: Liang, W., Zhao, Y., Liu, J., Elsworth, D., Feng, Z., Cai, J. Advances in in-situ modified mining by fluidization and in unconventional geomechanics. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2021, 5(1): 1-4, doi: 10.46690/ager.2021.01.01


In-situ modified mining by fluidization, unconventional geomechanics, geo-energy, geo-resources, evolving porous media

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