A new classification system of lithic-rich tight sandstone and its application to diagnosis high-quality reservoirs

Yang Liu, Chenggang Xian, Zhe Li, Jianguo Wang, Fei Ren

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Lithic-rich tight sandstone is one of the most enrichment lithofacies in the Sulige gas field. Clarifying the enrichment mechanism of high-quality lithic-rich tight sandstone is important to economic and efficient development of the tight gas reservoir. This paper introduces a new classification method, which is based on the origin of particles and interstitial materials and their control on reservoir pores growth. Lithic-rich tight sandstone can be subdivided into three types: sedimentary lithic sandstone, diagenetic lithic sandstone and event-type lithic sandstone. The genetic mechanism of a high-quality reservoir is studied by this new method. Research shows that the sedimentary lithic sandstone has high contents of plastic lithics, strong compaction effects of early diagenesis, large porosity reduction and almost no dissolution-induced porosity. The diagenetic lithic sandstone has high contents of rigid lithics and strong compaction effects. Organic acids promote alteration of a large amount of feldspars into kaolinite, while such sandstones are highly cemented. It is seen with moderate porosity reduction and moderate dissolution-attributed porosity growth. Event-type lithic sandstone also has high contents of rigid debris and strong compaction effects. Synsedimentary volcanic dust materials of subaerial deposition are altered into illite through smectite and illite-smectite mixed-layer clay under the effects of acids, which generate many pores and results in large dissolution-attributed porosity growth. Research shows that the sedimentary lithic sandstone has poor physical properties and is identified as the unfavorable reservoir; the diagenetic lithic sandstone having medium physical properties, as the relatively favorable reservoir; the event-type lithic sandstone having good physical properties, as the favorable reservoir. The research route and results have laid a solid geological foundation for better development of lithic-rich tight sandstone reservoirs.

Cited as: Liu, Y., Xian, C., Li, Z., Wang, J., Ren, F. A new classification system of lithic-rich tight sandstone and its application to diagnosis high-quality reservoirs. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2020, 4(3): 286-295, doi: 10.46690/ager.2020.03.06


Lithic sandstone; lithic fragment type; tight sandstone reservoirs; Sulige gas field; tight gas

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690//ager.2020.03.06


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