An effective thermal conductivity model for fractal porous media with rough surfaces

Xuan Qin, Yingfang Zhou, Agus Pulung Sasmito

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Quantitative evaluation of the effective thermal conductivity of porous media has received wide attention in science and engineering since it is a key thermophysical parameter in characterizing heat transfer properties. Based on fractal characters of tortuous capillary tubes and rough surfaces in micro-pores, we proposed a theoretical model of the effective thermal conductivity in porous media with rough surfaces. This model considers the geometrical parameters of porous media, including porosity, micro-pore fractal dimension, tortuosity fractal dimension, and relative roughness. The calculated normalized effective thermal conductivity was then validated against published experimental data. The results show good agreement between them. The influence of geometrical factors, porosity and relative surface roughness, on the effective thermal conductivity in porous media with rough surfaces are discussed and analyzed extensively.

Cited as: Qin, X., Zhou, Y., Sasmito, A.P. An effective thermal conductivity model for fractal porous media with rough surfaces. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(2): 149-155, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.02.04



Effective thermal conductivity, porous media, rough surfaces, fractal

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