Stress sensitivity of multiscale pore structure of shale gas reservoir under fracturing fluid imbibition

Mingjun Chen, Maoling Yan, Yili Kang, Wangkun Cao, Jiajia Bai, Peisong Li

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Generally, huge amounts of fracturing fluid are used in a shale gas well but the flowback efficiency is low. Since the distribution characteristics of imbibed fracturing fluid in shale are complex, they need further evaluation. This paper takes the Longmaxi Shale as the research object, including matrix cores, natural fracture cores and cores of artificial fracture with proppant. Stress sensitivity experiments are carried out on the above three kinds of cores under different degrees of imbibition and retention state of fracturing fluid. The results show that when the degree of aqueous phase retention is 0-0.78 pore volume, water mainly appears in the pores with a diameter of 2-50 nm. As the water saturation increases to more than 0.9 pore volume, the amounts of aqueous phase in the pores or fractures with a hydraulic diameter of 100-1,000 nm and larger than 1,000 nm increase significantly. Both the stress sensitivity of nanopores and natural fractures are enhanced by aqueous phase retention. With the increase in effective stress, the permeability damage rate of artificial fracture cores with proppant is inversely proportional to the degree of fracturing fluid retention. Aqueous phase retention in the pores with a diameter of 2-50 nm significantly contributes to the stress sensitivity of matrix cores. With the increase in effective stress, aqueous phase retention in pores with diameter larger than 100 nm increases the stress sensitivity of natural fracture cores. It is recommended that the retention degree of fracturing fluid in a shale gas reservoir should be controlled below 0.5 pore volume. In this case, the stress sensitivity of natural fractures will be less aggravated by fracturing fluid retention, and the stress sensitivity of artificial fracture with proppant will be reduced to a certain extent.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Chen, M., Yan, M., Kang, Y., Cao, W., Bai, J., Li, P. Stress sensitivity of multiscale pore structure of shale gas reservoir under fracturing fluid imbibition. Capillarity, 2023, 8(1): 11-22.


Shale gas, fracturing fluid, imbibition, stress sensitivity, pore structure

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