Open-source high-performance software packages for direct and inverse solving of horizontal capillary flow
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This work introduces Fronts, a set of open-source numerical software packages for nonlinear horizontal capillary-driven flow problems in unsaturated porous media governed by the Richards equation. The software uses the Boltzmann transformation to solve such problems in semi-infinite domains. The scheme adopted by Fronts allows it to be faster and easier to use than other tools, and provide continuous functions for all involved fields. The software is capable of solving problems that appear in hydrology, but also in other particular domains of interest such as paper-based microfluidics. As the first known open-source implementation to adopt this approach, Fronts has been validated against analytical solutions as well as existing software achieving remarkable results in terms of computational costs and numerical precision, and is meant to aid the study and modeling of capillary flow. Fronts can be freely downloaded and installed, and offers a friendly environment for new users with its complete documentation and tutorial cases.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: Gerlero, G. S., Berli, C. L. A., Kler, P. A. Open-source high-performance software packages for direct and inverse solving of horizontal capillary flow. Capillarity, 2023, 6(2): 31-40.
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