Pore-scale simulation of gas displacement after water flooding using three-phase lattice Boltzmann method

Sen Wang, Liyang Chen, Qihong Feng, Li Chen, Chao Fang, Ronghao Cui

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Water flooding is a commonly used technique to improve oil recovery, although the amount of oil left in reservoirs after the procedure is still significant. Gas displacement after water flooding is an effective way to recover residual oil, but the occurrence state and flow principles of multiphase fluid after gas injection are still ambiguous. Therefore, the gas displacement process after water flooding should be studied on the pore scale to provide a basis for formulating a reasonable gas injection program. Most of the current pore-scale studies focus on two-phase flow, while simulations that account for the influence of oil-gas miscibility and injected water are seldom reported. In this work, the multi-component multi-phase Shan-Chen lattice Boltzmann model is used to simulate the gas displacement after water flooding in a porous medium, and the effects of injected water, viscosity ratio, pore structure, and miscibility are analyzed. It is established that the injected water will cause gas flow path variations and lead to premature gas channeling. Under the impact of capillary pressure, the water retained in the porous medium during the water flooding stage further imbibes into the tiny pores during gas injection and displaces the remaining oil. When miscibility is considered, the oil-gas interface disappears, eliminating the influence of the capillary effect on the fluid flow and enabling the recovery of remaining oil at the corner. This study sheds light on the gas displacement mechanisms after water flooding from the pore-scale perspective and provides a potential avenue for improving oil recovery.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Wang, S., Chen, L., Feng, Q., Chen, L., Fang, C., Cui, R. Pore-scale simulation of gas displacement after water flooding using three-phase lattice Boltzmann method. Capillarity, 2023, 6(2): 19-30. https://doi.org/10.46690/capi.2023.02.01


Gas flooding, lattice Boltzmann method, three-phase flow, porous media, miscibility

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