Impact of salinity and temperature variations on relative permeability and residual oil saturation in neutral-wet sandstone

Walid Mohamed Mahmud

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Low-salinity water flooding has become one of the major emerging enhanced oil recovery techniques where lower salinity water is flooded into a hydrocarbon reservoir in order to increase oil recovery. It’s been widely reported that reservoir wettability alteration from oil-wet to water-wet in a low-salinity water process improves oil recovery. Many factors control system wettability, however, role and intensity of each factor is not completely understood. Therefore, several reported affecting factors on wettability alteration were eliminated in the present work in order to determine the impact of different low-salinity water on oil and water relative permeability curves and residual oil saturation. A series of experiments were performed where three simulated brine solutions were injected into oil saturated thoroughly cleaned neutral-wet sandstone core plugs. The effect of injected brine temperature on oil and water relative permeability curves and residual oil saturation was also determined by injecting 115,000 ppm salinity brine at three different temperatures. Results indicate that decreasing flooded water salinity alters the wettability preference of the rock towards favorable water-wetting conditions. Water-wet conditions decrease water mobility and enhance oil mobilization leading to better oil microscopic displacement efficiency and reduced residual oil saturation. Elevated temperature reduces water relative permeability and residual oil saturation.

Cited as:Mahmud, W. M. Impact of salinity and temperature variations on relative permeability and residual oil saturation in neutral-wet sandstone. Capillarity, 2022, 5(2): 23-31.


Relative permeability, water flooding, salinity variation, oil recovery, temperature effect, neutral wettability

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