Dynamic capillary pressure analysis of tight sandstone based on digital rock model

Yixin Cao, Mingming Tang, Qian Zhang, Jiafan Tang, Shuangfang Lu

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In recent studies, dynamic capillary pressure has shown significant impacts on the flow behaviors in porous media under transient flow condition. However, the effect of dynamic capillary pressure effect on tight sandstone is still not very clear. Since lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a very promising and widely used method in analyzing flow behaviors, therefore, a two-phase D3Q27 LBM model is adopted in this paper to simulate the flow behaviors and analyze the dynamic capillary pressure effect in tight sandstone. Moreover, a new pore segmentation method for tight sandstone base on U-net deep learning model is implemented in this study to improve the pore boundary qualities of pore space, which is crucial for two-phase LBM simulation of tight sandstone. A total of 3800 3D sub-volume data sets extracted from computed tomography data of 19 tight sandstone samples are selected as ground truth data to train the network and segment the pore space afterward. The simulation results based on the segmented digital rock model, show that nonwetting phase fluid prefer the path with lower dynamic capillary pressure in the seepage process before breaking through the porous model. Furthermore, the increase of injection rate causes the saturation changes more quickly, injection rate also shows apparent positive correlation relationship with capillary pressure, which implies that dynamic capillary pressure effect also exists in tight sandstone, and LBM based two-phase flow simulation could be used to quantitatively analyze such effect in tight sandstone.

Cited as: Cao, Y., Tang, M., Zhang, Q., Tang, J., Lu, S. Dynamic capillary pressure analysis of tight sandstone based on digital rock model. Capillarity, 2020, 3(2): 28-35, doi: 10.46690/capi.2020.02.02


Dynamic capillary pressure; digital rock model; U-net; lattice Boltzmann method

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