Micro- and nanoscale flow mechanisms in porous rocks based on pore-scale modeling
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Fluids flow within microporous and nanoporous rocks involves several industrial processes such as enhanced oil recovery, geological CO2 sequestration, and hydraulic fracturing. However, the pore structure of subsurface rocks is complex, and fluid flow is influenced by strong fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interactions, including wettability, interfacial tension, and slip effects. Characterizing this flow processes is costly and challenging through experimental techniques. At meanwhile, pore-scale simulations have been widely employed to investigate complex flow behaviors within microporous and nanoporous media. This work investigates the applications of pore-scale simulation methods for characterizing flow processes in porous rocks considering microscale and nanoscale effects. Two mainstream simulation methods, pore network modeling and direct numerical simulation, are introduced. Their application scenarios encompass immiscible flow, as well as miscible and near-miscible flow involving CO2 enhanced recovery. Additionally, some explorations of single-phase and multiphase flow processes within nanoporous media are described. Finally, future development of pore-scale simulations is discussed, with a focus on complex transport phenomena involving diffusion, reactions, and dissolution.
Document Type: Perspective
Cited as: Qin, X., Wang, H., Xia, Y., Ling, B., Wang, G., Cai, J. Micro- and nanoscale flow mechanisms in porous rocks based on pore-scale modeling. Capillarity, 2024, 10(3): 24-28. https://doi.org/10.46690/capi.2024.10.03
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