Evaluation of bedding effect on the bursting liability of coal and coal-rock combination under different bedding dip angles

Chao Wang, Yv Liu, Dazhao Song, Jianhui Xu, Qiwei Wang, Shaoyuan Zhang

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Rock bursts pose a significant risk to coal mine operation safety. Thus, accurately discriminating coal bursting liabilities is crucial for predicting and preventing rock burst events. To better understand the effects of a varying bedding angle on the crack propagation rule, failure mode and bursting liability level of coal and coal-rock combinations, we propose an optimized machine learning-based model. Additionally, uniaxial compressive tests are conducted using PFC3D software on samples with different bedding angles. The results indicate that, among the nine light gradient boosting machine discriminant models constructed using three data preprocessing methods and three parameter optimization algorithms, the optimal model is identified as the particle swarm optimization-light gradient boosting machine discriminant model based on Z-score standardization method, which exhibits the best stability and has a F1-score of 93.6%. Bedding has a significant impact on the failure modes of two kinds of samples, resulting in an evident bedding effect on their bursting liability. The uniaxial compression strength and bursting energy index of both samples show a reduction-rising trend with an increasing bedding dip angle. However, the bursting liability level of these samples is not affected by 0◦ or 90◦ bedding dip angle. Therefore, when assessing the bursting liability of samples, the influence of coal seam bedding and its dip angles should be thoroughly considered.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Wang, C., Liu, Y., Song, D., Xu, J., Wang, Q., Zhang, S. Evaluation of bedding effect on the bursting liability of coal and coal-rock combination under different bedding dip angles. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 11(1): 29-40. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2024.01.04


Rock burst, bursting liability, light gradient boosting machine model, particle flow code, bedding effect

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2024.01.04


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