Multiphysics coupling in exploitation and utilization of geo-energy: State-of-the-art and future perspectives

Yizhao Wan, Yilong Yuan, Chao Zhou, Lele Liu

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Natural gas hydrates and geothermal energy are potential sources of low-carbon geo-energy that are crucial in achieving a sustainable energy future for human society. The exploitation and utilization of these sources inherently involve thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical coupling processes, and these complex coupling processes need to be numerically simulated for exploitation and utilization technology developments. This paper provides a brief overview of the current status and future challenges of numerical simulations for these coupling processes in the context of exploiting and utilizing natural gas hydrates, shallow and deep geothermal energy. It also presents perspectives on how to address these challenges, aiming to advance the development of numerical coupling technology within the geo-energy exploitation and utilization communities.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Wan, Y., Yuan, Y., Zhou, C., Liu, L. Multiphysics coupling in exploitation and utilization of geo-energy: State-of-the-art and future perspectives. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 10(1): 7-13.


Natural gas hydrate, geothermal energy, geostructures, multiple processes coupling, numerical simulation

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