A new method for clastic reservoir prediction based on numerical simulation of diagenesis: A case study of Ed1 clastic sandstones in Bozhong depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Wendao Qian, Taiju Yin, Guowei Hou

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The use of seismic exploration technique to provide reliable reservoir information is a conventional method. However, due to its quality and resolution reasons, it cannot satisfy the detailed research and characterization of reservoirs, especially the clastic reservoir with thin sand body. Diagenesis is a fundamental process in the development and formation of all petroleum reservoirs and is a major contributor to their ultimate physical properties. Based on numerical simulation of diagenesis, a new prediction method called geology prediction techniques is presented to simulate the evolution of the diagenetic stages, diagenetic facies and porosity of clastic reservoirs and ultimately for favorable reservoir prediction. It emphasizes the idea of dynamic quantitative research dominated by process recovery, the most important of which is the establishment of mathematical models, including mineral dissolution models, mineral cementation models and sediment compaction models using the experimental data in study area and the results of previous studies. The essence of this method is illustrated, and its effectiveness is proved using Ed1 clastic sandstones in the Bozhong depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. At present, the reservoir is in the early diagenetic stage B (IB) and the middle diagenetic stage A1 (IIA1). The major diagenetic processes that influence the porosity of the sandstones in study area are mechanical compaction, carbonate cementation, quartz cementation, clay cementation, feldspar dissolution and carbonate dissolution. There are three types of sandstones including fine sandstone, siltstone, and argillaceous siltstone, and the variation range of primary porosity of these sandstones is from 26% to 38%. Compaction and carbonate cementation are the main reasons for porosity reduction, with porosity loss percentage by compaction (P-Com) and porosity loss percentage by cementation of carbonate (P-C-Car) being 53.1% ~ 7.8% (av. 41.9%) and 53.1% ~ 7.8% (av. 18%), respectively, while carbonate dissolution and feldspar dissolution can greatly improve reservoir physical property, with porosity increase percentage by dissolution of carbonate (P-D-Car) and porosity increase percentage by dissolution of feldspar (P-D-Fel) being 0 ~ 9.9% (av. 8.9%) and 0 ~ 27.8% (av. 9.4%), respectively. The predicted porosities match the measured porosities well.

Cited as: Qian, W., Yin, T., Hou, G. A new method for clastic reservoir prediction based on numerical simulation of diagenesis: A case study of the Ed1 clastic sandstones in the Bozhong depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(1): 82-93, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.01.07


Clastic reservoir, diagenetic simulation, diagenetic stages, diagenetic facies, porosity

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