Deformation characteristics and exploration potential of the West Kunlun foreland fold-and-thrust belt

Lin Jiang, Hongkui Dong, Yong Li, Wen Zhao, Yuqing Zhang, Dongmei Bo

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The West Kunlun foreland is dominated by segmented fold-and-thrust belts with significant potential for hydrocarbon exploration, while the extent of exploration in this area has been relatively limited. In this paper, by conducting complex structural interpretation, the geometric and kinematic characteristics, as well as the variations in the segmented fold-and-thrust belts within this region are revealed. The West Kunlun foreland fold-and-thrust belts are divided into three structural segments, which exhibit distinct structural styles. The Pusha-Kedong segment in the east is characterized by large-scale northward propagation, with high-angle basement-involved faults in the root belt and thin-skinned thrusts in the front belt. Additionally, three-row anticlines developed in the middle to the upper structural layers. The Kashi-Yecheng segment, located in the middle, is characterized by strike-slip faults and basement-involved structural wedges transitioning to detachment structures. Within this segment, the Sugaite structure in the mountain front is a wedge structure composed of basement-involved faults and an upper back-thrust fault. Meanwhile, the Yingjisha structure in the thrust front consists of a fold in the lower part and a back-thrust system above it. The lower fold is controlled by the Cambrian detachment thrust, which terminates upward in the Paleogene, while the back-thrust faults truncate upper structural layers and terminate downwards in the Miocene strata. The Wupoer segment in the northwest is controlled by the Main Pamir Thrust and the Front Pamir Thrust, which are low angular forward thrust faults with an arc distribution. A piggyback basin has developed in the root belt and upper structural layer since the Pliocene. Based on the deformation characteristics and the accumulation of oil-gas reservoirs discovered so far, two types of oil and gas-rich thrust belts with different hydrocarbon exploration fields in the West Kunlun foreland are described.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Jiang, L., Dong, H., Li, Y., Zhao, W., Zhang, Y., Bo, D. Deformation characteristics and exploration potential of the West Kunlun foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 11(3): 181-193.


Fold-and-thrust belts, segmented deformation, exploration fields, West Kunlun foreland, Tarim Basin

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