Acoustic impedance inversion in coal strata using the priori constraint-based TCN-BiGRU method

Suzhen Shi, Youchao Qi, Weiming Chang, Li Li, Xuejun Yao, Jingxue Shi

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Acoustic impedance inversion is a key technique for the seismic exploration of coalfield, which can determine subsurface lithological changes and coal seam distribution. The traditional method is highly subjective, has poor generalizability, and interpretation can be time and labor consuming. Due to the powerful nonlinear interpretation and feature extraction capabilities of neural networks, deep learning technology has demonstrated potential for geophysical exploration. To predict acoustic impedance accurately and efficiently, this study proposes the use of the initial geological model as the priori constraint for training. The low-frequency feature extraction capability of a bidirectional gated recurrent unit network and the high-frequency feature extraction capability of a temporal convolutional network are used to establish a new acoustic impedance inversion method in coal strata with a priori constraint data. The temporal convolutional network-bidirectional gated recurrent unit method was applied to data from the Xinjing Mining Area in Shanxi province, northern China. The results displayed good precision by accurately predicting the distribution and thickness variation of local coal seams. Compared with the traditional model-based method and the method using temporal convolutional network-bidirectional gated recurrent unit network, the proposed priori constraint-based temporal convolutional network-bidirectional gated recurrent unit network has better feature expression capability and provides more detailed coal seam information. In conclusion, the new method can improve the accuracy of acoustic impedance inversion, which is of great significance for coalfield seismic exploration.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Shi, S., Qi, Y., Chang, W., Li, L., Yao, X., Shi, J. Acoustic impedance inversion in coal strata using the priori constraint-based TCN-BiGRU method. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 9(1): 13-24.


Acoustic impedance inversion, deep learning, priori constraint, TCN-BiGRU network

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