A semianalytical model of fractured horizontal well with hydraulic fracture network in shale gas reservoir for pressure transient analysis

Qianchen Cui, Yulong Zhao, Liehui Zhang, Man Chen, Shangjun Gao, Zhangxing Chen

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Accurate construction of a seepage model for a multifractured horizontal well in a shale gas reservoir is essential to realizing the forecast of gas well production, the pressure transient analysis, and the inversion of the postfracturing parameters. This study introduces a method for determining the fracture control region to characterize the flow area of the matrix within the hydraulic fracture network, distinguishing the differences in the flow range of the matrix system between the internal and external regions caused by the hydraulic fracture network structure. The corresponding derivation and solution methods of the semi-analytical seepage model for fractured shale gas well are provided, followed by the application of case studies, model validation, and sensitivity analysis of parameters. The results indicate that the proposed model yields computational results that closely align with numerical simulations. It is observed that disregarding the differentiation of matrix flow area between the internal and external regions of the fracture network led to an overestimation of the estimated ultimate recovery, and the boundary-controlled flow period in typical well testing curves will appear earlier. Because hydraulic fracture conductivity can be influenced by multiple factors simultaneously, conducting a sensitivity analysis using combined parameters could lead to inaccurate results in the inversion of fracture parameters.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Cui, Q., Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Gao, S., Chen, Z. A semianalytical model of fractured horizontal well with hydraulic fracture network in shale gas reservoir for pressure transient analysis. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 8(3): 193-205. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.06.06


Pressure transient analysis, hydraulic fracture network, multi-fractured horizontal well, shale gas, semianalytical model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.06.06


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