The influence of heterogeneous structure on salt precipitation during CO2 geological storage

Di He, Peixue Jiang, Ruina Xu

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The presence of rock heterogeneity and fractures may cause abrupt spatial changes in capillary action and flow characteristics, which eventually change the precipitation behavior during CO2 geological storage. Therefore, the salt precipitation mechanism of the heterogeneous structure needs to be studied. In this paper, the salt precipitation behavior in different heterogeneous structures was studied through pore-scale experiments at room temperature and atmospheric conditions. In the up-down heterogeneous structure, the salt precipitation has little effect on the injectivity regardless of the CO2 injection rate. When the CO2 injection rate is low, the salt tends to precipitate in situ in the small pore structure to form a crystal structure. When the CO2 injection rate is high, the salt tends to precipitate in the large pore structure to form a cluster structure. In the left-right heterogeneous structure, regardless of the CO2 injection rate, the precipitated salt is mainly in the cluster structure, and the salt is more dispersed in distribution, the impact on injectivity is small. The injection well can be selected in the formation with strong heterogeneity, to alleviate the blockage caused by salt precipitation. When CO2 leaks in the fractures, salt tends to grow until the fracture is plugged, which is of great significance for the self-healing of the fracture for the caprock.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: He, D., Jiang, P., Xu, R. The influence of heterogeneous structure on salt precipitation during CO2 geological storage. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 7(3): 189-198.


CO2 geological storage, salt precipitation, injectivity, heterogeneity, fracture

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