A real-time autonomous adjusting process for fluid-fluid displacement in CO2 geological sequestration

S. Mick Tangparitkul, Watchanan Chantapakul, Natthanan Promsuk

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To achieve net-zero carbon emission, securely and permanently sequestrating CO2 into deep underground is internationally assured as a robust solution, although a few technical challenges on complex in-situ storage process are yet to be overcome. Despite researchers are increasingly familiar with laboratory-scale CO2-brine displacement and how to characterize and improve the process, field implementation is not that simple and of great challenge. In this article, an opportunity on an approach that utilizes fluid-fluid displacement fundamentals is discussed to predict CO2 sequestration using artificial intelligence. A concept of machine learning is introduced, where computer programs can learn and improve automatically via previous experiences. With machine learning model, fluid displacement behaviors that are spontaneously monitored are emphasized to predict the displacement result, which is readily adjusted if needed while training the model from real-time CO2 injection response. Such an approach is a real-time autonomous adjusting process, consisting of three main stages: Selection of first appraisal fluid for trial injection, real-time machine learning from in-situ injection response, and fluid adjustment if needed or continuation on the same injection until achieving a maximum CO2 storage. This approach could play a vital role in the carbon capture and storage industry to develop CO2 storage effectively with adequate resources, and yet has a potential to substitute a conventional design or fluid screening approach for subsurface fluid injection, including underground hydrogen storage and hydrocarbon recovery.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Tangparitkul, S. M., Chantapakul, W., Promsuk, N. A real-time autonomous adjusting process for fluid-fluid displacement in CO2 geological sequestration. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 7(2): 71-74. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.02.01


CO2 geological sequestration, carbon capture and storage, climate change, fluid displacement, artificial intelligence, machine learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.02.01


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