Understanding gas transport mechanisms in shale gas reservoir: Pore network modelling approach

Wenhui Song, Jun Yao, Kai Zhang, Yongfei Yang, Hai Sun

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This report summarizes the recent findings on gas transport mechanisms in shale gas reservoir by pore network modelling. Multi-scale pore network model was developed to accurately characterize the shale pore structure. The pore network single component gas transport model was established considering the gas slippage and real gas property. The gas transport mechanisms in shale pore systems were elaborated on this basis. A multicomponent hydrocarbon pore network transport model was further proposed considering the influences of capillary pressure and fluid occurrence on fugacity balance. The hydrocarbon composition and pore structure influences on condensate gas transport were analyzed. These results provide valuable insights on gas transport mechanisms in shale gas reservoir.

Document Type: Research highlight

Cited as: Song, W., Yao, J., Zhang, K., Yang, Y., Sun, H. Understanding gas transport mechanisms in shale gas reservoir: Pore network modelling approach. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(4): 359-360. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.04.11


Shale gas, pore network model, transport mechanisms

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.04.11


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