Potential resources of conventional, tight, and shale oil and gas from Paleogene Wenchang Formation source rocks in the Huizhou Depression
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Conventional and tight unconventional oil and gas resources in the Huizhou Depression have shown broad exploration prospects, which mainly originate from Wenchang Formation source rocks. Thus far, studies on Wenchang Formation source rocks mainly focused on the geochemical characteristics and conventional petroleum resource evaluation; however, the correlation of conventional, tight, and shale oil and gas, and their resources are still unknown. In fact, the formation of conventional, tight, and shale oil and gas are intrinsically related, which allows for a more objective evaluation to consider the three types of oil and gas resources simultaneously in the whole dynamic process of both hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, as well as reservoir tightness history. In this work, based on geological and geochemical analyses, the improved hydrocarbon generation potential method was utilized to establish a hydrocarbon generation and expulsion model of the Wenchang Formation source rocks. Then, combined with the reservoir tightness history, the conventional, tight, and shale oil and gas resources were evaluated. The results show that the Wenchang Formation source rocks are distributed in the whole depressions, with a thickness of 50-1850 m and an average total organic carbon content of 2.2%. The organic matter is mainly type II and is mature-high maturity. The Wenchang Formation source rocks reached hydrocarbon generation threshold and expulsion threshold at a vitrinite reflectivity of 0.43% and 0.65%, respectively, and the reservoir evolved completely tight at 2.3 Ma. Overall, the Lower and Upper Wenchang Formation contain a large amount of conventional, tight, and shale oil and gas resources.
Cited as: Hu, T., Wu, G., Xu, Z., Pang, X., Liu, Y., Yu, S. Potential resources of conventional, tight, and shale oil and gas from Paleogene Wenchang Formation source rocks in the Huizhou Depression. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(5): 402-414. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.05.05
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.05.05
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