Quantitative prediction of palaeo-uplift reservoir control and favorable reservoir formation zones in Lufeng Depression

Bowei Guo, Fusheng Yu, Yanfei Wang, Hui Li, Hongbo Li, Zhe Wu

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In this paper, taking the Lufeng Depression as the study object, the distribution characteristics and reservoir-controlling conditions of palaeo-uplift are analyzed from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. The distribution characteristics of the three-level palaeo-uplift structural pattern are elucidated, which show that the palaeo-uplifts went through three structural evolutionary stages: Eocene, Early-Middle Miocene, and Late Miocene, with long-term inherited development characteristics. Palaeo-uplift controls the distribution of hydrocarbon planes, the direction of dominant hydrocarbon transport, the development of various traps, and the types of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Applying the principle and method of “multi-element matching reservoir formation model”, the corresponding geological and mathematical models are established, which indicate that 86.29% of the number of reservoirs are distributed on the top and slope of the palaeo-uplift, and the reserves and number decrease with the distance to the top of the palaeo-uplift. Based on the palaeo-uplift control model, four high-probability areas for palaeo-uplift control in the Wenchang and Enping Fms are predicted, which are mainly located in the Lufeng middle-low uplift, the Dongsha uplift, and uplifts within the depression.

Cited as: Guo, B., Yu, F., Wang, Y., Li, H., Li, H., Wu, Z. Quantitative prediction of palaeo-uplift reservoir control and favorable reservoir formation zones in Lufeng Depression. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(5): 426-437. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.05.07


Lufeng Depression, palaeo-uplift, controlling factors of hydrocarbon, characteristics, quantitative analysis, favorable exploration zone

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.05.07


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