A phenomenological description of the transient single-phase pore velocity period using the resistance force-velocity relationship

Dag Chun Standnes

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A new approach to determine the transient period towards steady state pore flow velocity for fluids propagating through porous media under constant pressure condition is presented. The transient expression relates to the mean pore velocity rather than the fluid pressure conventional considered when characterizing transient behavior in porous media. It is based on the general, resistance force-velocity relationship, and is therefore analogous to the approach used when calculating transient periods for objects falling through resisting air and for the increase in electric currents towards  respective steady state values. The transient is caused by inertia forces and characterized by a relaxation time comprising fluid density and viscosity together with porous medium properties as porosity and absolute permeability. Results show that the transient period increases with decreasing medium porosity and fluid viscosity and with increasing fluid density and absolute permeability of the medium. The transient period is negligibly small for typical fluid/medium property values characterizing typical subterrain sandstone reservoirs. Significant transient periods, occasionally observed during laboratory fluid injection tests, are therefore caused by other time-dependent processes not captured by the transient expression presented herein, e.g., fines migration or electrokinetic phenomena.

Cited as: Standnes, D. C. A phenomenological description of the transient single-phase pore velocity period using the resistance force-velocity relationship. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(2): 104-110. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.02.03


Transient behavior, absolute permeability, resistance force-velocity relationship, Darcy’s law, frictional forces

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.02.03


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