GAWPS: A MRST-based module for wellbore profiling and graphical analysis of flow units

Gustavo P. Oliveira, Thiago N. E. Rodrigues, Knut-Andreas Lie

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Several graphical methods have been developed to understand the stratigraphy observed in wells and assist experts in estimating rock quality, defining limits for barriers, baffles, and speed zones, and in particular, delineating hydraulic flow units. At present, there exists no computational tool that bundles the main graphical methods used for defining flow units. This paper introduces an add-on module to the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox that contains computational routines to carry out such graphical analyses, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We also describe a new secondary method defined as the derivative of the stratigraphic modified Lorenz plot, which we use to classify depth ranges within the reservoir into barriers, strong baffles, weak baffles, and normal units, based on flow unit speed over those depths. We demonstrate the capabilities of the “Graphical Analysis for Well Placement Strategy” module by applying it to several case studies of both real and synthetic reservoirs.

Cited as: Oliveira, G.P., Rodrigues, T.N.E., Lie, K.-A. GAWPS: A MRST-based module for wellbore profiling and graphical analysis of flow units. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2021, 6(1): 38-53.


Reservoir modeling, hydraulic flow unit, graphical methods, data analysis

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