A self-similar analytical solution of spontaneous and forced imbibition in porous media
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Both viscous and capillary forces control the two-phase flow in porous media. The Buckley Leverett solution for viscous flow in porous media has been proposed for over a half century. While the corresponding studies of capillary dominated solutions are mainly based on the capillary tube based models. The continuum solutions are just prevail in recently years. The analytical solution of the combination of both effects is rarely investigated. A self-similar analytical solution of spontaneous and forced imbibition in porous media is proposed in this work and the corresponding concise algorithms are presented. The proposed solution successfully solves this typical non-linear partial differential equation by introducing a transformation variable and the capillary fractional flow function analog to the fractional flow function of Buckley Leverett solution. Finally, the case study is performed, which demonstrates the feasibility and accuracy of this proposed solution to a general two-phase flow condition.
Cited as: Wang, X., Sheng, J.J. A self-similar analytical solution of spontaneous and forced imbibition in porous media. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2018, 2(3): 260-268, doi: 10.26804/ager.2018.03.04
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