Experimental investigation of immiscible water-alternating-gas injection in ultra-high water-cut stage reservoir

Debin Kong, Yubao Gao, Hemanta Sarma, Yiqiang Li, Hu Guo, Weiyao Zhu

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Water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection is recommended as a means of improving gas mobility control. This paper describes a series of coreflood tests conducted to investigate the potential for continuous gas injection and WAG injection in ultra-high water-cut saline reservoirs. The mechanisms of immiscible water-alternating-nitrogen injection on residual oil distribution are analyzed, and pore-scale analysis is conducted. The effect of injection parameters on residual oil distribution and recovery efficiency is also evaluated. Coreflood results show that tertiary oil recovery efficiency is significantly higher using WAG injection than continuous gas injection during the ultra-high water-cut period. Pore-scale visualization illustrates the movement of gas through the waterflooded channels into the pore space previously occupied by water and residual oil, which then becomes trapped. Injected gas breaks the force balance of microscopic residual oil and reduces residual oil saturation. This mobilizes the displaced/collected residual oil into large waterfilled pores and blocks several water channels. WAG flooding can decrease free-gas saturation and increase trapped-gas saturation significantly, resulting in decreased relative permeabilities of gas and water. The experimental results indicate that appropriate WAG design parameters could enhance recovery by 15.62% when the injected pore volume of water and gas in the cycle is 0.3 PV at a gas/water injection ratio of 2:1. The results from this study will allow researchers and reservoir engineers to understand and implement immiscible WAG injection as an enhanced oil recovery method in ultra-high water-cut stage reservoirs.

Cited as: Kong, D., Gao, Y., Sarma, H., Li, Y., Guo, H., Zhu, W. Experimental investigation of immiscible water-alternating-gas injection in ultra-high water-cut stage reservoir. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2021, 5(2): 139-152, doi: 10.46690/ager.2021.02.04


Water-alternating-gas; microscopic visualization experiments; residual oil mobilizing; force balance analysis; trapped-gas saturation

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