Advances in global natural hydrogen research and exploration

Shuangbiao Han, Jie Huang, Alain Prinzhofer, Chengshan Wang

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The development of natural hydrogen confronts numerous challenges. This paper sum marizes the status of research and exploration in the natural hydrogen field and outlines future directions and trends. The accumulation of natural hydrogen is a dynamic process, and current research on its origins, migration pathways, reservoir and cap rocks, chemical and biological consumption and final occurrence state is still at the exploratory stage. This lack of comprehensive understanding hinders the exploration and commercial development of natural hydrogen. Due to the unique characteristics of natural hydrogen, there is currently a shortage of effective exploration technologies and commercial development cases for natural hydrogen. The dynamic enrichment process of natural hydrogen and the consumption reaction mechanisms during this process will be the main aspects of future theoretical research on natural hydrogen. Additionally, the exploration of natural hydrogen needs to be combined with more practical applications of theory to enrich experience. It is necessary to establish and standardize work processes for different geological environments to achieve commercial development of natural hydrogen.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Han, S., Huang, J., Prinzhofer, A., Wang, C. Advances in global natural hydrogen research and exploration. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2025, 15(2): 91-94.


Natural hydrogen, clean energy, hydrogen enrichment, hydrogen exploration

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