Integrated rock physics characterization of unconventional shale reservoir: A multidisciplinary perspective

Luanxiao Zhao, Yaxi Zhao, Dingdian Yan, Jinwan Zhu, Jianchao Cai

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Renowned for its organic richness, unconventional shale presents both unique challenges and opportunities for hydrocarbon extraction and various geo-engineering applications, owing to its complex storage, flow, and stimulation properties. It is essential, from a multidisciplinary perspective, to characterize the rock physics response and construct rock physics model for unconventional shale reservoirs. A maturity-constrained rock physics modeling method for shales, in conjunction with geochemical analyses, is proposed, employing the stepwise homogenization method to quantify the scale-dependent elastic and anisotropic behavior of laminated shales. Considering the complex pore structure of shale, combined with the microscale effects of fluid transport, various forces, and microfracture features, the multiphase fluid flow behavior can be accurately characterized. Then, from the perspective of fracturing performance, it is necessary to develop a new fracability evaluation model for unconventional shale reservoirs. This model integrates fracture mechanics theory, the elastic and mechanical properties of rocks, fracturing operations, reservoir geological characteristics, and in-situ stress to thoroughly evaluate fracability. Unconventional petrophysicists must move beyond traditional hydrocarbon evaluation to embrace interdisciplinary approaches, which requires comprehensive understanding and characterization of the storage, flow, and stimulation capacities, thereby optimizing development strategies and maximize resource utilization.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Zhao, L., Zhao, Y., Yan, D., Zhu, J., Cai, J. Integrated rock physics characterization of unconventional shale reservoir: A multidisciplinary perspective. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 14(2): 86-89.


Shale reservoir, rock physics, fracability, fluid flow

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