Gas transport mechanisms, mathematical models, and impact factors in low-permeability rocks: A critical review
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The study of gas transport in low-permeability rocks is both practical and of significant importance to produce tight rock reservoirs. The presence of nanopores in tight rocks results in distinctly different gas transport mechanisms from those found in conventional reservoirs. Traditional Darcy’s law is inadequate for describing gas flow in this context. Instead, various modes of gas transport, such as continuum flow, slip flow, transition flow, and Knudsen diffusion for bulk gas, as well as surface diffusion and adsorption/desorption for adsorbed gas, coexist within these nanopores. This paper mainly focuses on studies of gas transport in nanopores that consider apparent permeability. To begin with, the pore structure characteristics and gas seepage mechanisms in shale are introduced. An overview of the three main methods for measuring apparent permeability including laboratory experiments, numerical simulations, and analytical techniques, is provided. Mathematical models describing gas transport within nanopores are emphasized as a foundational component of apparent permeability measurements. Furthermore, the factors that influence these models are discussed. Upon analyzing the existing models, it is evident that they are diverse and numerous. While these models typically encompass multiple mechanisms and influencing factors related to gas transportation, each model has its specific limitations. Therefore, there is a continued need for the development of more comprehensive and general models. This study offers the most detailed overview of gas transport mechanisms and mathematical models in low-permeability rocks, aiming to support the evaluation and exploitation of tight rock reservoirs.
Document Type: Invited review
Cited as: Wang, M., Gao, M., Zhang, C., Thanh, H. V., Zhang, Z., Wang, D., Dai, Z. Gas transport mechanisms, mathematical models, and impact factors in low-permeability rocks: A critical review. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 14(2): 119-134.
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