Recent advancements and practices of fracturing technology in continental shale reservoirs

Feng Zhang, Mingjing Lu, Feng Yang, Gongze Cao, Liaoyuan Zhang

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In continental shale reservoirs, the complex construction, limited fracture height and small stimulated volumes result in poor adaptability and low recovery efficiency when traditional shale fracturing techniques are used. This work introduces the recent improvements in fracturing technology developed for continental shale reservoirs and highlights the challenges and technological innovations required to enhance oil recovery. Lately, several innovative fracturing techniques have been developed that are suitable for the efficient development of continental shale reservoirs. These new proposed fracturing techniques primarily enhance the recovery of continental shale reservoirs by optimizing fracture creation and expansion, improving permeability, or increasing the stimulated reservoir volume. Several practical applications of these technologies in complex fault shale reservoirs, matrix-dominated shale reservoirs and complex structural shale reservoirs have demonstrated significant improvements in oil production. However, further research is needed with respect to determining the technical parameter boundaries for fracturing in different depressions and reducing costs, in order to refine these technologies and advance the efficient development of continental shale resources.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Zhang, F., Lu, M., Yang, F., Cao, G., Zhang, L. Recent advancements and practices of fracturing technology in continental shale reservoirs. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 13(3): 237-240.


Continental shale reservoir, fracturing technology, practical application

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