Improved reservoir characterization by employing hydraulic flow unit classification in one of Iranian carbonate reservoirs

Yousef Rafiei, Mohadeseh Motie

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Capillary pressure curves is of great importance in reservoir characterization. Due to the reservoir heterogeneity, no single capillary pressure curve can be used for the entire reservoir depth. This paper aims to examine the application of different techniques of hydraulic flow unit (HFU) classifications in overcoming the extreme heterogeneity of the reservoir in order to improve normalization of capillary pressure in one of the Iranian carbonate oil reservoirs. In this study, well log, routine and specific core analysis lab data have been used to identify flow units by employing different techniques in a heavy oil carbonate reservoir in the south of Iran. These techniques include gamma ray and density log method, flow zone indicator, capillary pressure curves and Winland parameter. Then, mercury injection data has been used by employing Desouky's method to normalize capillary pressure curves for each identified flow unit. According to this study HFU classification significantly improved normalizing of capillary pressure curves.

Cited as: Rafiei, Y., Motie, M. Improved reservoir characterization by employing hydraulic flow unit classification in one of Iranian carbonate reservoirs. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(3): 277-286, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.03.06


Heterogeneity, hydraulic flow unit, capillary pressure

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