Nanotechnology applications in geothermal energy systems: Advances, challenges and opportunities

Boyan Meng, Guoqiang Yan, Pan He, Qitao Zhou, Wenxia Xu, Yangyang Qiao

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Geothermal energy offers a sustainable solution to meet growing energy needs while mitigating environmental concerns associated with conventional fossil fuel sources. Meanwhile, nanotechnology presents innovative solutions to enhance the performance of renewable energy systems. However, its specific applications in geothermal energy are a dynamic field and have not been systematically reviewed. This paper presents an overview of the latest advancements in utilizing nanotechnology to enhance geothermal energy systems. The essential role of nanotechnology is examined across the entire life-cycle of geothermal development and utilization, encompassing various aspects including geothermal well construction, geothermal reservoir characterization, scaling and corrosion prevention, and resource recovery. The results suggest that nanotechnology holds significant promise for improving the efficiency, longevity, and profitability of geothermal energy systems. Further more, this paper outlines the potential challenges associated with nanotechnology adoption in technical, environmental, and economic terms, and offers strategies for mitigating them. Finally, the paper discusses some future perspectives on how nanotechnology can further advance geothermal energy, contributing to the global transition to a clean and renewable energy future.

Document Type: Current minireview

Cited as: Meng, B., Yan, G., He, P., Zhou, Q., Xu, W., Qian, Y. Nanotechnology applications in geothermal energy systems: Advances, challenges and opportunities. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2025, 15(2): 172-180.


Geothermal energy, nanotechnology, nanofluid, nanoparticle, nanocoating

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