Mechanisms of hydrocarbon generation from organic matters: Theories, experiments and simulations

Shuheng Du, Tao Hu

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A comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and mechanisms underlying hydro carbon generation from organic matter has emerged as a pivotal challenge in deciphering the “life mystery” of oil and gas, thereby guiding strategic planning for the global petroleum industry. The swift advancements in materials science, drilling engineering, computer technology, big data, and artificial intelligence have furnished robust methodologies and tools for research into organic hydrocarbon generation. This perspective offers an analysis and synthesis of three distinct research paradigms pertinent to organic hydrocarbon generation: Theoretical analysis, experimental exploration, and numerical simulation. These three research modalities probe the mechanisms of organic hydrocarbon generation across varied scales, with their findings mutually reinforcing and validating each other. This synergy provides invaluable insights that contribute to a holistic understanding of organic hydrocarbon generation, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of the potential of subterranean oil and gas resources.

Document Type: Perspective

Cited as: Du, S., Hu, T. Mechanisms of hydrocarbon generation from organic matters: Theories, experiments and simulations. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 12(2): 156-160.


Organic matter, hydrocarbon generation, depth limit, water-rock interaction, machine learning

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