Expanding role of borehole image logs in reservoir fracture and heterogeneity characterization: A review
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Borehole imaging well-log datasets provide a wide range of valuable information for various aspects of petroleum reservoir characterization. In particular, electrical borehole images make it possible to detect and quantify the distributions, orientations, and forms of fractures at high resolution. Acoustic borehole images are extensively used for breakout detection and width measurements to determine horizontal principal stress magnitudes and orientations. However, by combining information from different types of borehole imaging tools more comprehensive reservoir characterization can be achieved. Data from the dipole shear-wave imager can be used to provide anisotropy insights that are of complementary value for lithofacies, poro-permeability, and seismic dataset interpretations of heterogeneous reservoirs. Cases are made to incorporate data from both electrical and acoustic borehole imaging datasets into integrated reservoir characterization analysis. Moreover expanding the reach of borehole imaging data is becoming increasingly possible with the aid of machine learning models configured to predict key borehole imaging metrics from standard suites of petrophysical well-log and drilling mud-log datasets.
Document Type: Invited review
Cite as: Wood, D. A. Expanding role of borehole image logs in reservoir fracture and heterogeneity characterization: A review. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 12(3): 194-204. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2024.06.04
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2024.06.04
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