Evaluation of blended lime-stabilised spent synthetic-based drilling mud and cement for oil well cementing operations
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Most current oil and gas wells are drilled with synthetic-based muds. During drilling, two types of wastes: spent muds and drilled cuttings, are generally generated. Several methods are used in the treatment of these wastes. However, after treatment of these wastes, they are disposed into the environment. Although they seem to be environmentally friendly, greater accumulation may degrade the environment. Nonetheless, some additives used in cement slurry formulation are also present in most of the spent drilling muds, therefore they could be stabilised for reuse in oil and gas wells cementing operations. In recent times, lime is used to stabilise spent synthetic-based drilling mud before disposal or for further treatment. These lime-stabilised muds find use as feedstock of cement kiln, raw material for the production of construction material and wetland restoration materials. This research studies the performance of blended lime-stabilised drilling mud and cement at varied concentrations for oil and gas wells cementing operations. The cement was blended with lime-stabilised mud with concentrations from 0% to 100% at a step of 10% and their properties evaluated. Slurry properties like density, free fluid, rheology and compressive strength results obtained showed that these properties decreased with the increase in percentage blend of the lime-stabilised spent synthetic-based mud. However, it was observed that concentrations of 10% and 20% blends of lime-stabilised mud with cement performed better with good potential to be considered in minor cementing works by the industry to help reduce the cost of waste management.
Cited as: Amorin, R., Opoku Appau, P., Osei, E. Evaluation of blended lime-stabilised spent synthetic-based drilling mud and cement for oil well cementing operations. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(2): 141-148, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.02.03
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